Anxiety in children
Anxiety in children is all too common and sadly, when left untreated, is one of the strongest predictors of anxiety and depression later in life.
I approach anxiety as a family issue and believe treatment should actively involve parents and children together.
Children who worry excessively or have phobias may be fearful about their health and safety. Others may be averse to beneficial medical procedures (e.g. shots and operations). Some have difficulty separating from parents, falling asleep, participating in competitive activities (sports, academic tests, artistic auditions), or simply attending and learning in school.
WHAT a child worries about, however, is less important than HOW children and parents get trapped in the process of anxiety…how a family unknowingly does what anxiety demands and thus creates more of what they are desperately trying to get rid of. At a time when a child’s world should be full of wonder and excited exploration, anxious children and teens are mired in behaviors of avoidance and withdrawal.
When your family learns how to deal with anxiety
Your daily life will be better when you and your children develop the ability to:
- Understand and respond to your body’s physical stress responses
- Move your family out of the “worry cult” (most parents unknowingly make anxiety STRONGER!)
- Step into difficult situations rather than avoid them
- Focus clearly on goals, problem solving, and making adjustments…without being ruled by anxiety and worry
Treatment Options for Childhood Anxiety
I maintain a private practice in Concord, New Hampshire, but I am unable to take on new clients. Unfortunately I cannot work with the number of families who contact me for treatment, but I offer the following options for parents:
Online Webinars
Check out the books, videos, and webinars page where I offer online intensive courses and videos for parents and adults.
Workshops and Presentations
I do many presentations and workshops for parents. They are often sponsored by school districts and are free and open to all. Check out the Events Calendar, or contact me about scheduling a customized workshop for your organization or community.
Weekend Retreats
I lead two and three-day weekend programs for parents. During these weekends, I will offer both private consultations as well as small group workshops.
Small Group Parenting Intensives
These six hour, two night intensives are held a few times a year. Parents and other caregivers attend two 3-hour trainings scheduled one week apart, for example 6:00 to 9:00pm on consecutive Tuesdays.
These workshops teach parents how to respond and react in ways that promote action over avoidance, and teach the skills—problem solving, tolerating uncertainty, emotional management—that families and schools need to handle stress and worry.
During the meetings, ample time is provided for questions and answers, with specific ideas and solutions given to help with many common fears and anxieties.
Registration is limited. Intensives are listed and promoted on my events calendar and newsletter as they are scheduled. Be sure to subscribe to learn of any openings.

Treating anxiety in children requires the whole family.
Can you refer me to other therapists?
Since I am not taking any new clients at this time, I often get requests for referrals that have a treatment approach similar to mine. Unfortunately, I cannot provide specific referrals.
The best referrals often come from other parents, your school, or your pediatrician.
Those most closely aligned to my approach would be specialists in anxiety (particularly with children and teens), use a cognitive-centered approach, involve parents as an integral part of treatment, and give you and your child consistent, active homework assignments between sessions.
Does insurance cover any of your services?
It may, but it depends on your insurance and the specific service provided. I am a licensed therapist (LICSW), so I have the credentials needed. I am not, by choice, “in-network” with any insurance plans, but some insurance plans allow you to see a clinician who is “out-of-network.”
Before calling to schedule an appointment, please check with your insurance company and find out the available benefits for out-of-network behavioral health services.
Payment in full is required at the time of service. I do not submit claims to insurance companies, but will provide the necessary forms to you, so that you may seek reimbursement.
In order to be reimbursed by your insurance company, you must:
- have out-of-network mental or behavioral health benefits
- meet the criteria for a mental health diagnosis, as I must provide them with a diagnosis
- provide me with the necessary paperwork, which I will complete for you
- submit the forms to your insurance company and have them reimburse you directly